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Yes there is a toilet however it is not wheelchair accessible.

Do you have toilets?

Our sessions are 2-1, each session has a trained MH therapist and a Equine Specialist. This is best practice to make sure you are emotionally and physically safe. Pair sessions or group sessions may be induced later if approptiate.

Will the appointments be 1-1?

As our appointments are therapy based, we do not have a structured program to follow? Each session takes place organically and activities are structured depending on the clients needs.

Are the appointments structured?

Yes we have several wheelchair accessible areas where clients can participate in therapy and interact with the horses.

Is your property wheelchair accessible?

We love hearing your feedback. Please email us, chat in person, leave a written comment online or in person.

Where can I leave feedback?

You we are a NDIS registered organisation.

Are you registered with the NDIS?

No, we are a therapy service that utalised psychology and horses to achieve individual goals. There are many services that you can access that are horsemanship based. Once clinets graduate from therpy they may access riding or horsemanship lessions from our Equine Soecialist Suzy, if approriate.

Do you provide husbandry or horsemanship lessons?

The welfare pf our horses is very imporatnt to us. We have carefully selected our herapy horses to have the personally trait of someone that enyoys the work. They have regular breaks, not working more than 3 hours a day. In breaks they have grass and hay or hard feed. If a horse is unwell or does not want to work that day we will chage the activity to give them time to recover. Our horses live in paddocks with other horses where thir socual, emotional and primal needs are met.

what welefare do y9ou consider for your horses?

Please fllow the drive way til you see the arena with the orange and black sales. You can park in the alcove the the right or infrnt of the undercove arena, which is right at the end of the driveway and right of the outdoor arena. Please do not drive up to the or kncok on the door, they are private homes. we will be around the horse spaces with clinets or caring for the horses.

Where can I park

0435 199 114

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